Sunday, December 6, 2009

Nvidia Vanta Lt Driver

with the golden age of those who no longer responds to silence

the spontaneous drawing to race around the sky. the silent films that you would make me company. with the sea in the sun. wiping off the cold of the raids. against the appropriate opportunity to find dried up. the maze of red arms. with the affected sense of inadequacy that binds me to the ceiling. while I do not speak. with eyes narrowed to a "yes" boundless. we solved the wars thinner. without clothes to get out alive. we rewrote the most massacres unarmed. with the deaths indifferent. for your shoulders smaller and smaller. but you can distract my broken parts. while everything falls within our elastic cords that hold no more. that certain things can only decide after the end. the "ten broken ribs" in 815 days at sea. that when we talk about comics to reread. such gestures are not only not need words to color. black
° ° °
and do not cover enough, to feel cold and then hear something that makes you at least not transparent in the room. Home rewritten with sunglasses. single ticket with its original titles. What have you inside the sea. 've learned that if you want to go somewhere it is best to do it alone. those days on which you have always faded in the face who has just been crying. redesigning the city with a better fate. with the music we systematically deluded . preservative things that we built without sweating. but still running away from it all. that when you listen and do not speak for me, that I have to cancel without too many boundaries. sleek and fast with his hands in the center of the brain that I can not find. the rear-wheel drive on Friday. with the age of one who raises his voice to die in summer. running away from everyone until the dark. because I dressed with care, so that seemed to smile even if I did not really ever really. but it was not your fault. "And we think we have one star, but we do not fight with the mica. We could not. Even if they wanted." why do not choke me with his face in a corner and all the rest of the room in order isometric. behind. our months profoundly different from the steam densoerosa . think less when the unusual wellness exploits stories. that governs the economic essence of a price. our highlighter tape that distort all. something that makes you at least in my breathable concavity. because you just do not get too bad. because the days If we choose not to, just like today

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Philippe Charriol Stores In The Philippines

for" not being afraid to have a heart "(more)

[until we can not win] because I can never finish a book even of those who tell me to read. there are no fathers in the city domesticity. the "wonderful right to ' internalization. but without knowing to say. without the words heated inertia of memory. never forgiven. without the tragic memory of a surplus of time in three years. I'd like to meet by chance. and I do not say more for the event. with lowly operations in the open. enhanced with the removal. inside you do not stay afloat. and I just ignore le discariche. dentro quel pezzo di cenere e il tuo viso sciolto dietro la finestra spenta. dentro quella frase

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bra Of Old Indian Actress

admission whale autumn

l'igiene personalizzata . mentale. la temperatura superficiale dei giorni a nuoto. in mezzo alla città rasata. preludi lontani nelle tue perplessità oceaniche. prendi le strade vuote per me. conservale per il sole spontaneo. per il laborioso cementificarsi del parco nelle notti protette con padri spirituali in provetta. per il filo condotto. con la zona industriale che ci distrae. attentamente . il silenzio mediato per il nostro rinvio meditato. le mani vuote e fredde che parlavano male di ieri. allora compreremo argento finto to put on the heart. used in prisons. caused in prisons. The strongest wind of your fine words. with their nostalgia. Andrea no longer has patience. the surface tension is not too fog to take out of my head. inappropriate in prisons. die as the sailors

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

White Bump Behind Lip Ring

Netherlands .... Southern Hemisphere

Carissime Minchietti's noto che il nostro blog si sta ricoprendo di ragnatele, immagino che la causa principale sia la vostra inarrestabile attività sessuale...Comunque mi accingo a scrivere questo post sperando che serva a dare il via ad una serie di post vostri.

Al momento mi trovo in Olanda e devo dire, con una certa soddisfazione, che questo staterello pullula di bei ragazzoni, per lo più biondi, alti, fisicati e con degli occhioni azzurri dove "dolce mi è il naufragar"... Ma, visto che la sorte spesso si burla di me, nel mio dipartimento di questi biondoni non ce n'è nemmeno uno. Questo renderebbe il lavoro più facile, se non fosse che spesso e volentieri (volentieri per me) mi capita to cross any of these wonderful beings in the hallways, the cafeteria or (most wretched of all) in the elevator and it distracts me somewhat ... Unfortunately, again that strange sense of humor of fate, these creatures are students and it seems that I should not bother you ... As the sweet Gaia resist these temptations?

This is where the bets are open ...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Cartoon Mixed Wrestling Art

tachycardia as rhetorical device

"trains arrive only when there is silence." the past does not return the bodies of those who falls into. and you prefer your bosom to cry. I would say that Bologna had to have an answer. but there was nothing to be redone. "No one can sleep on the beach." that things are exchanged. and not lie back in the colors of the prose. then the night desert surprise us aphasic after a day and we'll be even worse. to forget to breath shortened. with the flower in your head that never gets wet. Show me a day with the set meal. without dying in prison. lull in hand so I will speak of the kisses of the cement. refined theories of days in Russia. nausea sweet and mirtazapine. so I would say that Bologna had to have a rescue. but there was nothing to burn. "Want to die?". and never stop killing people. the cielocrakingviola escapes without us. then the night desert will save us after a year asphyxiated. longbeach with oxygen from flowers. after a year inaccurate. because it belongs to us only the sight and imagination of the above-vival concrete behind it. else that brulica e piove è solo deiezione. ma me ne accorgo solo dopo che hai pianto sete. e poi rate felici. per riuscire anche solo a parlarti

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Heart Issues After Anorexia

an Extinguishing agent midst In Our

non sai cosa voglia dire respirare a malapena ancora ferire i giorni sbagliati e inventarsi un nuovo contorno alle ombre che non ci sono più diradarsi senza accorgersene avere magari un po' di tempo per assecondare l'impressione di correggersi in fondo per poi tornare nudi commestibili diventano le piccole voglie e tutte le nostre licenze l' ingratitudine dello sporco inaugurare questi nuovi giorni almeno un po' apostrofare domande sospendersi la tua bocca che diventa cenere con me le trasparenze rotte head under the clothes with a fever and the inevitable rough caresses the rust of them the hours you are really little more and more tired your voice calling me from far away I am about to invent the silence shell out in the framework that we shows naked and then give us a kiss without a resurgence of the mirror as if it were electric tree envy real space and still losing blood that no longer exists in Eclipse Order is made not remember the meaning between us without even knowing when it happened (even without allowing for pleasantly moist evasion) I shell out inventive mind the silence as tracing the distance between us and our justification carefully hidden in a scream now clean white

Friday, October 23, 2009

What Is The Best Workout Supplement

"for a season"

the sun goes home early while the wall blush and the flowers remain on the ground. You wanted to kill a god for color verdefalso spring that has no blood. in half a day off so as not to see. you stop being a god but then does not contradict the dreams faded as people return. convince yourself that the stories end before you start. unstitched edge of things in the rain brings you back to lisbon . but not enough to keep the autumn liar. where they denied the revelations that come back as clouds Catholic. so life will not take you dead and bound in the face. inotropic afternoons. and then compel god to be a coward future. while prudence is damp, dark home. geography of the flight down with us. amniotic afternoons. with despair sweat elegant. buy smiles dangerous but do not know why. the steady hand and clear in front of the mouth. your eyes under the orange glow of the alarm stay hot. and steeply lower. they call phosphenes best of my hands. Thoughts clothes. "Invernobrillante the dead" and other "gifts burned." thirsty plugs into syllables. eversions the naked eye between devices. when we look, but still. and as long as you let go. an entire week on the verge of vomiting. maybe you can heal but when it's just a god. for a season presumably conscious . unbounded in a window. for one reason

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Playing With Sisters Boobs

certain nights to let the wounds dry and warm even in other keep the blood

"I know your eyes deep without a bottom. full of stones like coins in a fountain. those hoping to return people. you did not return anyone."
("where he at," "Once Again A Fond Farewell")

Friday, October 2, 2009

Difference Between Arterial And Venous Leg Ulcers

"I planted dei fiori qui, per te"

there are whole days lying on your eyes. on my hands dirty. our word for tired. the strange season that also take our thirst. later that day in your bare feet in October have shortened the distance of my forgiveness. Your momentum is building you build new houses and new schools colors. inside me. last winter was to be hot. bare hands as that Sunday when the legs gave way. words exceeded low pharmacy. We died a thousand times. as the park then I also yellowed. I was wrapped in your blanket close. I was dead in your haste. seasons rusty always better to talk. always trying to dig into a bright red. the exile of our compassion militants. that expectations are also convinced of shit. Whole chapters have fallen in one day. days saved. other burning whole to consume all the heat. the difference in a dream and your predictions dense. my swarm. my silence over for you. when I lose your love blacks and collected. when you enter a phrase in an obscene and furnishings of the new beliefs. we are dead in the gray sand of the demolitions. when I think of your clothes sorted and colored my voice. an answer when I dream about a long line. the only living person in that room with the sea. days away on your eyes. provinces as inappropriate for your car from the city. away amezzapensione skies. with a finger. and then all the voices that seemed full of lead. off all your cities. the new songs I'm also a bit warm and 'asshole. as you told me. I caress the ice pretending afternoon migraine. I stay at night. but does not change the name. down empty rooms and wet books. salt and snow down to stay in balance. and then rewrite the entire la pubblicità nervosa dei miei sbagli. risparmio spazio alla nostra religione edulcorata ma non mi fa sentire meglio. giorni sommersi senza una destinazione . mi è rimasto solo un pezzo opaco di te che non mi basta più. piccole assunzioni che ti rendono partecipe di un giorno sociale. intanto io parlo di altri suicidi più o meno consapevoli. le mie figure di merda dopo due minuti che parlavamo. e poi mi ubriaco la seconda volta riuscendo solo a non farti parlare troppo. poi rimango muto io quando tu mi guardavi da lontano. malattie assordanti che scendono dai tuoi timidi ritardi. pieno di consapevolezza resisto. c'è un po' di disordine e deserto grigio. c'è un po' di digestione e fughe senza discolpe. altre onde reduci dal mondo. altre passioni equiparate a quelle dei giorni passanti. persone nude e quelle spogliate. il tuo sorriso che sembra un vestito leggero. ma non riesce a rincuorarmi. muri e mari di gomma. baci di stoffa e derisioni. "qui, dove non c'è ombra"

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Biohazard Scooter Wheels

Comment first day

friends and welcome back as Moscow would say "good fantasy football at all!"
In these cases the good ones always say "we're back stronger than before." We not that good but we have never been, say, being more squash, that our league has lost two key players. No, we're not talking about Kaka and Ibrahimovic, but almost ... Sasa fact for the clarity of choice and the crystalline class demonstrated over the years is comparable to the Brazilian champion. It may be because Kaka was no longer affordable to the Rasta Sicilian decided to leave the Big Apple for deserting the auction? How can we forget the time he wrote sulla confezione dei Fonzie il prezzo massimo di acqusito per Kakà...Sul bigliettino c'era scritto MAI! Rossana invece è indubbiamente paragonabile al fuoriclasse svedese, non per i capelli lunghi, ma per la sua mancata capacità di essere decisiva (forse è meglio dire decisa) nei momenti importanti. Come non ricordare quella volta al Serena Majestic in cui dopo il primo indimenticabile (per tutti noi) bacio a stampo da parte di Massi, le arrivò dopo 3 secondi il famoso sms con scritto: "TI AMO". L'alzatrice piemontese, non smentendo il luogo comune che l'accompagna, non fu decisa in quel momento importante della vita e non seppe proferire parola....AMARCORD!
Se il Milan ha deciso di rimpiazzare Kakà con "il nuovo Van Basten "Huntelaar, we had decided to invite our friend Leo to fill the void left by departing two lintels. In response, Leo, not belying his nickname was born in the 90s (oh," I bought the recorder and we make the around selling CDs), there hiatus ... THE chatterbox!
After this homage, let's talk about our league. We are not at Villa Certosa in the New Year, but the presence of women in the upper parts of the ranking is very abundant. Command in fact, strictly in that order, Francesca and Federica. What news tell their boyfriends Igino and Federico, who are forced daily to fulfill the desires most abstruse ... "I have cold feet to" ... stronger sex!
Se il Fede sembra aver accusato bene il vantaggio in classifica della fidanzata, la stessa cosa non la si può dire per il biondo del Team lombardia. Ogni anno parte con i favori del (suo) pronostico, e ogni anno è costretto a vedere davanti a lui le natiche della fidanzata...Precisiamo che non stiamo parlando di natiche per insinuare che il primo posto in classifica della Fra sia frutto di fortuna...MAGO OTELMA!
La sorpresa più grande della giornata è l'ultimo posto in classifica del campione uscente Lele. Il distacco dalla vetta è già rilevante (18 punti), ma il controller della Clariant non si scoraggia...Un po come Mara Maionchi alla notizia che il gruppo su cui aveva puntato era finito in nomination...SELF CONTROL!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Why Is My Atv Backfiring

quel giorno in cui non mi riconoscerai

sarà di cioccolato. nonostante fossimo ad un metro da terra ci piaceva resistere ai viaggi nel vento. le navi che ci attraversano . tua madre che fuma da sola. sarà di sole. e ti farò spazio sul mio braccio pieno di nodi. come quando pensiamo ai tappeti distesi nei nostri boschi di carta. il debito che possiamo permetterci. spostando i temporali fuori dai tuoi occhi e fuori dai tuoi calci. per una volta puoi disegnare tu. per una volta sarà mattino. secoli a parlare dell'amore che demolisce. la sera che ritardava ma non come me. l'aria diversa da noi, tanto per cominciare. le guerre giornaliere quasi sempre senza contratto. perso tra i tuoi capelli che mi portavano a casa. le ambulanze che non piangono. quando moriremo dal vivere. le cose in comune per tutti quelli che si mettono in ordine. già il sentir affrontare certi discorsi ci fa capire che uscita prenderemo. tutto quello che paghiamo. spostando i temporali fuori dai tuoi stati emotivi. e non era più indecente guardarsi negli occhi. non era più deprimente. mi chiedi dove viviamo. ma non so cosa dirti. ormai. la nostra ombra che riscalda. niente migliora e inizi a convincere. le favole bruciate e solo per decenza di risparmiarle . "nemmeno the desire to find. "and there will be a time for waiting. different distances that can stand the cold. you missed it" the dollhouse "

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Birthday Party Catch Phrases

gli ultimi amori dei cosmonauti

everything. should be more beautiful." maybe talk later. "chase even without a ship. without remembering where we were. even though it was only yesterday. then walking slowly, her eyes still standing. skies thick. you wanted to look less good. the noise in default, leaves missing. then without betraying their own steps. people who are not returned. stop me. to talk. when you do not understand the disarming of eyes watching. helpless and it was just snow. so do not think that the moon is falling apart. the place the din of indistinct your eyes. so sleep well the collapse in July. then me. I was sleeping next to you and your victims wise. our summer clothes in the flowers. decomposed to the bed. and I never wanted to know so well what you looked like the wonder of your own tears. still remember the crying and we only lasted autumn trees for rent. what he wanted more time to lie down and die happy in the evening. not breathing. and no. I can not concentrate the sky, but only on a rectangle of concrete. That autumn we wanted and forgot the simplicity that gives the air. then I try to think about the disarmament of the eyes that your ford. and I can think of only one factory. every piece. that has its place. that order che svuota interi giorni e che comunque rimane. poi le mani sciolte sulla sera. spezzandogiorniatintaunita . il mio affanno. e non riesco a parlarti dormendo a terra. perdutamente . poi le mani sciolte sulla sete. i vestiti astratti. che coprivano a stento le regole strappate. la politicità organizzata. non so nemmeno dove sei stasera. e neanche un solo cosmonauta si è mai buttato. nè è stato sconfitto dal buio. senza ricordarsi dove siamo nati

Sunday, September 6, 2009

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il cielo è fragile come il tuo slancio edilizio

crederci. nel nulla che torna sul posto. quando smonti il mondo con un silenzio estasiato dalla sorpresa, e poi avanzano pezzi. che rimetti con cura fra di noi. e allora. prendendomi per mano un giorno sembrava più che migliore. flying without precaution. alarms outside help. and I would learn to swim. senzapiùvolermicurare . from you. our first sunrise of the day. my stomach tired of supporting all those razors without even a blade of silver. but with happy eyes. with the fresh smell when I do not sleep. and I'm still in touch. and if they are verging on time. with swollen eyes and swollen from art to emerge from honey. almost sweet enough. or docile. scraping the bottom. risking the bottom. believe it. on anything that goes back to his place. senzamairiuscire . at the bottom. smiles exploded by accident as side effects. coordinates. the letters that make a difference and mistrust. senzarime . snow di noia. stanca di aspettare una stanza. e forse sei davvero abbastanza capovolta da non litigare con tua madre. in silenzio e con sentimenti estraibili. masenzaautocontrollo . buttandosi che poi metti le mani sul gas e muori. metti le mani sul gas e poi ti muovi. fatti letteralmente viva, con tutti i traslochi del caso. infortunato o fortuito. scoprendo nuovi pomeriggi. che li puoi prendere tenendoli per mano. senzacheiltemposiaunsopravvissuto . perché non insorgono i partigiani. perché non risorgono i partigiani. tra la violenza e il sacro. di passaggio o del paesaggio. sbattendo la porta ne aprivi altre cento. e non parlo con giorgia finché non cambia il tempo. graffiando poesie. che certi giorni diventi island. talking about call center with the best news, a war that does not want to end up in the day. starting with the new blades. no one ever speaks of the enemies. in times of need. the past pierced from side to side. joy no longer speaks of disgust of life. and in fact no longer afraid. thunder off. thousand hands about our chances. precisely. in a tone diversified. you do not like will. that the roads leading to the morning is too much at times. as if nothing had happened. unstable. which then become words to make a difference. as if nothing had happened. enviable. you do not like flying. syndrome of dissent. at the end there were no secrets nor segregated. with a sky expired but never granted. that Naples I thought I had risen. and then you lean on me no more advances. republics unfounded. the stories in the plains. francesco playing, paddle and then clean up fag. binding. believe it. Perhaps nothing in return assumed. senzadireniente . So what? no. The truce is not here

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bazillian Wax Tyler, Texas

dimmi cosa vuoi che succeda dopo che ci siamo dati fuoco al cinema

religion there has never been for all those wounds left open on the bedside table before going to sleep. went away in silence. because they have no doors panic morgue. two different possibilities, as if I am not enough. I just thought the snow and foreign. to us that we never tame enough on the ice glass, all its clouds of smoke and the lights out. and then you could not tell me what I thought. could not be rendered harmless diseases of September. rate without a price. as if they sterilizing hands you I could dance on the latest agreements, without falling into silence with that hurt. without that then we had never spoken with eyes untied. So much that you could not tell me what I weighed. you could not make it undesirable as the morning of September. the rain that hard to get and hard to believe that hot. cultivating the simple trust without thinking of the return. then why not close your eyes. then why not ask the eyes . a lawn without stones. chest without a net. cultivating mistrust without thinking of the flashback. as if your diaphragm air could realize more and more. tired of us and the eyes bright and clear. others. full of expectations never satisfied. adventurers no evening. adventures, no thirst. without this meaning a smile, I turn to get you. without having to satisfy the most dream of your hair. and then wake up as a survived with broken lips. I would like to go to claim. but then returned to speak without demolishing the room. sit no longer wonder why no one does now some questions. and then I think about it too. then we find those memories without rehabilitation, which still could not walk. I stop him shout at me visto che tu sai dove venire a cercarmi. e lo fai sempre senza preoccuparti di dovermi necessariamente trovare cosciente. e allora inizi a pensare, forse, che vivere nel frigo non sia poi così stimolante. che i tagli non servono per respirare

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Revlon Waterproof Foundation

l'altra pace della sete

pretendere dolcemente che le ore diurne dell'inverno siano più clementi con le nostre aspettative. qua quanto è larga una stanza? perché non ho le tue distanze di seta. perché hai vissuto un giorno solo come le farfalle. le mani e gli occhi consumati in questa impazienza tesa e drastica. pensando al mare calmo di sera. pensando a qualche strada stanca. pensando alla nostalgia di scegliere con lentezza le clouds of paper drawn. your eyes as fences of time zones. like almost cut of time zones. the center became a dark beach with its sea and the continuous confused of days and regularity. your jumps on my uncertainties

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Free Judo Web Template

quello che è rimasto invenduto e una canzone per laura

reasons, can not exist only lexically "good" to forget. and survive to organ trafficking. even going in the opposite direction of things, without abusing uncertain terms. Public uncertain terms. or advertised along with a better perspective and improved our unfaithfulness to the line. while you went away way you went out of the ordinary concept of race. and also from that of the run. your elegance morning grabbed several times. therefore constituted an abuse of silence tells me eternal light and slavery bloodily suppressed. the de- treatment / disposal in "effect off course." timeless massmedializzato we will draw the best frames. the beds are really a square. even going in the opposite direction of the houses after the crisis. of nerves. the crisis of the eternal snows enough matches. hands clasped and cucirmi. to discover the color of sleep. hands close to the cushions. "Six inches" I find it funny. where remain spread your legs. where they can remain the same, but your legs. retaliation impromptu . eyes lampedusa no return
° ° °
the new economy. when you dive in September again. in me starless . Building unpopular. previous back to sleep afloat. that laura always reads aloud. and plan as to clarify and not get lost again. when left alone too wanted to escape. the ghosts that are drowning in your eyes. at night when your legs wore a flower and I fell in love in silence. life easy for the enemy and conditions. the force of a fist. provide balance between you and the cold of the open oceans. always at night you wake up. the gap between poetry without snow. italic photographed badly. which is beyond the train. a thousand times more. provide balance between you and the cold ocean and discovered more of their large rooms. "Life by the caresses" / "before you decline to more merciful." the ghosts that are not drowning in my bed most

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What Does Fossil On Pokemon Cards Mean

"annebbierò anche i guai"

there are no notes or deadlines to be met. snow falls on the lawn naked. the flies die from poison wrapped in a strange pink. carved in the smoke room. The silence made city of machines and phrases borrowed from scenic but thick walls. that absorb as if they were made of fresh tar. your eyes fixed on our questions and I struggled inside me. stubbornly brake my race raping her fingers on the table. 's vacuum does not move for a month and it seems like yesterday. this does not work with our moist and dense fog. thinned with our walks. do not ask why, do not wait. remains to establish as your eyes close in a perfumed hug goodbye. and I think even the cold can stop you. and I think maybe even the summer two years ago will smile at more. and I think we are managing to open up as have promised for years. our repeated vivisection. our license withdrawn. the cool succor hand. without touching them. without touching your passive disasters that last two minutes. traffic of ambulances and the beds too short chase in your eyes. crossing your leg over mine. the thrill of an afternoon with the extraordinary . I miss the silence disarmed. as enrico gianna and we compare . a center on the world. a center of the world responsive to our questions. a center of the world reactionary. a temporary center of the spring leaves in the mouth smiles. Sunday is not also on Sunday. the rustle of the seagulls. and remember what you said. gas blue sirens folded. but not enough to heal. hours left sitting on a diet since yesterday. the right angle to surprise a sleeping anesthetized . splinters force daniele . the mess that smells and humidity. This fog, however, made up of words dehydrated. "I want and I can lose." alarms on purpose. born within us. there was born within us. the born within us. with broken bones. shave with the bones. hands hanging by a thread. born before the examinations. jackets too apprehensive about our small scale. prefabricated sentiments but bring roots. hands, surrendered before a shot without going through the street. our emoattività with caution. low price. Album of pier paolo smile sweetly, and I want to talk just for the event. least

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Reptile Vs Mammal Respiration At Low Temperature


Another fantasy season is in store, and, for the umpteenth time (the second), is Lele who wins the championship. With this triumph, the Controller of Clariant (x as yet?) Reaches a height of two fantascudetti Sasa (2004/2005 and 2005/2006) and Faith (2003/2004 and 2007/2008). This title, however, undoubtedly has a value greater than that won in 2002/2003 and defined by the media, including front row in the Juventus Marcello Chirico, "cardboard". You know who Faith satisfaction in 2003 beat a debut, which includes only one Spina's players (the entire Van Der Meyde not that of Ibrahim) and friends of the gym that is slaughtered for Spina Rivaldo (AC Milan not to that of Barcelona), only to withdraw after a few games left to plug the task of the bill. This triumph has a completely different flavor, bitter taste of having to cheer all the time in which the hated ex Ibrahim put it in his pocket. Ibra has certainly had its weight in success, but we want to put all the votoni swiped from Maldini in recent games?! The apotheosis was reached in the penultimate day when the three goals from Milan pick a derelict Rometta and the pivot of the defense gets a 6.5 in the report .. Not to mention the last day ... 8 SERVANTS JOURNALIST!
Behind every great triumph, there is always a grande duello, e se il successo del Lele è stato tanto meraviglioso lo si deve soprattutto a chi ha tenuto vivo l'interesse del campionato fino all'ultimo. Erano solo 4 i punti di distacco della Fede a 180 minuti dal termine e non è bastato sfiorare gli 80 punti nell'ultima giornata per arrivare all'agognata vittoria. Se una squadra gioca un campionato di questo livello non è che diventa perdente solo perchè esce sconfitta dal campo. E' vero che è il terzo secondo posto consecutivo in altrettante partecipazioni. E' vero anche che in tutte e tre le occasioni la Fede si è fatta superare nelle ultime giornate dopo aver condotto per larga parte del torneo. Ma può sempre prevalere la logica "Mourinhana" del: "O vinci o non vali un cazzo?!"....Forse ZERU TITULO .... you! Only the third
Faith champion. It is not easy to repeat, did not have made the Champions League in Manchester, let alone if he could make it a team average age low. The idea of \u200b\u200bpointing to beginning of the season on Giovinco, Jovetic, Menez, Inler, Hamsik, Pato, Balotelli has proved to be quite odd, especially if these players play in a country gerontocratic quite like ours. If the president has 80 years would seem logical that the fantasy of a team they should have at least 37. To our joy (perhaps we should say Letizia) there are those who are planning to resolve this longstanding problem that surrounds us and is rejuvenating the average age of the political class. we are all waiting anxiously at the entrance of Monte Citorio Noemi .... THANKS PAPI!
About Naomi, I have a question I'm turning in my mind a few days and that concerns the fourth ranked Francesca. But you can make the big mistake to go for a job interview in Cologno Monzese with the director of the most important Italian news without taking a photo book? Of course, then the fifth in the standings Igino might have an interview to the Republic as the hapless Flaminio, but mistakes are not made ... red pen!
difficult to judge the team's season of Hyginus. If you want to look at the glass half full we can say that the blond Team Lombardia has not arrived recently as last year and has improved the position. If you want to be more targets you have to say that it is the second consecutive relegation, is the second consecutive year in which Hyginus is preceded by his girlfriend and then you have to say that this year was really hard to get behind ..... Sasa DEFAULT ! Chapter
Sasa. Today is a historic day, the news is that for the first time the Rasta Sicilian loses money in a tournament of Fantasy Football. He was saved at the last last year, could not do anything this year because of anemia attack. The trio-Bellucci-Zalayeta Ronadinho ago that scared the children before bed, just as many laughs resulted in opposing defenses. To provide a yardstick of failure the team, it should be noted that even the working team led by Ross was able to make more points. And we're talking about the team working very black, which is experiencing a crisis and that Obama has asked the administration to use the Chapter 11 well before General Motors. Casting views between the two teams for next season? Goods informed say Marchionne is ready to bring the know-how to Fiat this time. One question: But when Marchionne puts the Danè ?..... creative financing

you next year with the comments, hoping to return to them regularly every week and I apologize for the prolonged absence. You understand that going from doing nothing to work is a triple jump into the void. A embrace


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Laser Lithotripsy Cost

Minchietti call home!

Hello dear Minchietti's,
I thought: "What is the best way to prove to my dear roommates, despite the time zone now appears to be inexorably averse to chat via IM, you're always on my mind"?
So here I am!
Apart from the washing machine, that I look forward to using and maybe try to break into using a can opener (Dear Valentina, will agree with me that you are a myth with the forks, but I'll give you a hard time with the can opener ... especially when, as a Sunday sport, decide to break the handle of the porthole of the washing machine: P) ... How are you? My room? My amazing mirror? Every time you go to my company Winnie the Pooh? I would not find them in the throes of depression, or worse, hanging somewhere! (Remember that there were earlier found stuffed inexplicably hung after a few minutes of inattention ... soft toys are unpredictable!).
Other big news: I believe that the "child poltergeist ' someone should clean up its share of the house (the cabinet under the sink), I reappeared in the dream with her dress all dirty ... poor, has come all this way just to tell me what ... : P
Street, to make you even more share in my adventure, I tell you some things I understand, with the help of Katherine, Australia this ...
1. It does not matter if it rains or there is the sun, flip-flops are the best shoes for every occasion!
2. The umbrella is an accessory unnecessary: \u200b\u200bif it rains because it is time to take a shower (80% of the boys also wearing the costume to take advantage!).
3. Skateboarding is an excellent means of transport, soprattutto se usato senza indossare le scarpe (forse per la maggiore aderenza...mah!).
4. L'Australia è abitata al 70% da cinesi, arabi e africani (o per lo meno Wollongong lo è!).
5. Il restante 30% sono o biondi, o con gli occhi azzurri o entrambe le precedenti opzioni.
6. Non importa chi siano i genitori: se un bambino nasce in Australia sarà NECESSARIAMENTE biondo...almeno fino all'adolescenza! (Bisognerà rivedere le teorie di Darwin)
7. Il surf è cosa buona e giusta.
8. I surfisti pure... anche se non hanno ancora molto chiaro che, sguazzare nell'acqua dell'oceano, non equivale a lavarsi!
9. Se c'è un motivo, qualsiasi, per festeggiare: gli australiani festeggeranno!
10. At any party you are invited, if you want to eat, you have to bring something from home ... at most they provide the barbecue, then you're on your own!
11. If you feel like eating something healthy: forget it! Of any nationality to choose the restaurant, 99% of the menu will be based on something fried! (But the Chinese are good ...: D)
12. When an Australian tells you that something is "close", remember that you have to walk at least 40 minutes!
13. If an Australian says to you that a certain animal, however cute or small it may seem, it is dangerous: believe it!
14. If the shorts are all the rage with the shirt, there will be to find someone dressed differently.
15. There is an Australian with an ugly nose (Dona powers of observation).

So, these are the things that we understand this people that lives life upside down!
Take the good and remember, if you have to sublet my room, at least it's tall and handsome! : P

Kisses to all,
I love you!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Knitting Patterns Jester Hat

thirty-first day


since after Easter day you can even skip a meal Palazzolo, I did the accounts and ... COMMENTS!

After days of mourning, I hope we can return to laugh a little even in that of Chieti. Basically Santoro did not wait long to get their dicks: criticize the government.

Yet another day to put the archive of comebacks ... After GEITHNER plan that allowed the rich to become a little richer, LELE plan for the recovery of I ^ place it stops. Despite some errors of training (never challenge the CURSE Mascara, that damn hat-trick still scontaree!), Despite the crazy gringo Camoranesi, despite "the entire game but still Toldo?" he believes and puts us face ... ALESSANDRO SMELL !!!!!
for the faith, however, positive that the day you stop the downward spiral began with the loss of Abbiati and Milito: Dida .... because he snubbed Zampini or SIGN OF FAITH not infallible? After ENI also had to give 10cent and serve in the closing hours of the plants: and why not during the day? Rather quiet
the FAITH that salvation from his post if the benefits ... even though demand is that all you do: you started working??
intensifies the struggle for the 4 th place because Igino continues to lose points while FRANCY comes two days over 70 .... The question is, from "farm": EACH PAY 'or ITS DIVIDEND 15euro/testa?? Closes
sadly SASA, confusion reigns in the team. I recognize that I do not know if he played with the 5-3-2, 3-5-2, 4-4-2 or 4-3-3. In each case the result is the same ... POOR KAKA '

the next day


Friday, April 3, 2009

Stomach Acid In My Throat

The Official owner "only thing missing is the signature". Il Corriere dello Sport entitled "No to workers in other regions. Give priority to residents." Tuttosport holder "Via Ranieri's replacement." The Newspaper holder "So much of the crows left in Italy is still working." The unit entitled "From today, Italy has a more precarious."
profession that I do not do the title, I can give the news for what it is today .... I have officially confirmed that I am the new intern in the treasury of the company that has as its mission to be the best company of sausages and food made in italy in the world ... yes you got it, I thought of working in high fashion and I find myself to compete with Evaristo Beccalossi ... misunderstanding!

Promise: Now that the calm came, the comments come back on time every week!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Why Does My Body Hurt When I Drink Alcohol


Friends, interlocutory in that day of our league.
increases slightly but steadily the advantage in the standings of the Faith. The Two Women tennis player now feels to have success in your pocket and powerful by his 38-point lead is already organizing festeggiameni for the win. Ready for a commemorative T-shirt very brtish with the inscription: "I broke my ass." Ready to also un'ospitata Chiambretti night as number one, and about number one, is also in preparation the new video of the famous song dedicated to Luca Toni ..... mozzarella, mortadella, MIT Nutella, FAITH YOU FOR ME: NUMBER ONE!
Behind the smiles at the Lele that day thanks to a goal from Seedorf stretches in the standings on the most immediate pursuers. And like Seedorf, Lele also turns polemically against his supporters who had objected to the exclusion of Cassano last week .... rationem REDD! In The Faith
safety zone maintains the points lead on the most immediate pursuer. Oh yes, you got it, if only by half a point, the stretch in the standings on Francy un'Igino sadly returning to fifth place. Damage to some persistent rumors of his resignation as coach Hyginus. The rumors indicate that, as with the Democratic Party, also by de Amicis is biased for a solution to bridge between now and prossimo campionato. Il nome individuato dall'establishment della "Io speriamo che me la cavo" farà molto discutere: Marino Mariani. Chi tra il nuovo allenatore e Dario Franceschini riuscirà a fare peggio?....PRECIPIZIO!
Altra giornata drammatica per Sasà che ora rischia di subire un inatteso sorpasso da parte della squadra operaia. Il team più sbeffeggiato della storia del fantacalcio, che nelle ultime 3 giornate è stato addirittura senza guida tecnica, ha ora soli 14 punti da recuperare. Che il problema fosse proprio l'allenatore?.... TELEVOTATE!

P.S.: aggiunto il sondaggio sull'allenatore della squadra operaia.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Malm Full Bed Hardware

MINCHIETTI Welcome Home!

the series House Minchietti waiting for you ......

It continues with impunity to do damage throughout the house, but this time not all silver lining! After breaking the porthole here comes the latest addition to the House Minchietti: Lidy....
Ogni riferimento a fatti o persone realmente esistenti è puramente "causale".... ;-)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Font Wedding Order Of Service

Friends Good day ... If Inter closed the league title by winning the derby practice Sunday night, Faith Mortgage lengthening the championship still in the charts. The advantage now verges on the second 40 points. The tennis ciociara brakes but the easy enthusiasm and, imitating his model of coach Mourinho says he is very good at mathematics and that there are still 71, 428 points per game for the championship ... HANDS-ON! Behind the
Lele limps. Reached the age of maturity (more cards), it was hoped it was over the time that he was wrong training. Yet another Cassana instead: Cassano, precisely, left the bench to make room for the new Recoba, Edison Lampadina Cavani. Per Lele era impossibile che il fenomeno di Bari Vecchia potesse fornire una grande prestazione contro la granitica difesa della Juve….PETER PAN!
Non è solo Lele ad arrancare, anche il Fede incappa nell’ennesima giornata no. Ora la zona salvezza è a serio rischio, anche in virtù delle straordinarie prestazioni della Francy, ma soprattutto di Igino. Il Biondo del Team Lombardia agguanta la compagna in quarta posizione e la zona salvezza dista poco più di 10 punti. Parte del merito spetta comunque all’amico Fede che con un sussulto di onesta (o di coglionaggine, decidete voi), suggerisce a Igi al momento della dettatura della formazione di inserire Amauri vista la non convocazione di Trezeguet…TAFAZZI!
dramatic day for Sasa. The Sicilian rasta does not send the training and play 8 men in setting a new negative record of points in a single day, 43.5. Voices of political fiction told us an elusive agreement between Berlusca and Sasa. It seems that the premier has strongly suggested to Sasa to "skip a turn" in a league like this has been affected and where its image is clearly the lowest levels of popularity, only to reappear stronger than ever at the start of next season in which receive a substantial aid for the recruitment drive. Do not you remember the story of Mastella?. ... Democrat!
not take advantage of the misstep of Sasa, that Ross involved in the event FIOM CGIL and the Piazza San Giovanni in Rome on Friday, we forget also to present the training: not so much an oversight. you think more than anything that the team mates have physically prevented from working on the elevation Piedmont to send an act to prevent the formation of scab. ... FIGHT HARD! Oh

Saturday's first game is played to 16!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Brazilian Female Soccer Team


friends, another day of smiles at the fantasy that Faith. E 'is true that the FC GossipFro does not execute an amazing score, but it is equally true that the detachment of squadre rivali rimane sostanzialmente invariato e il tutto con un giornata in meno da disputare. Bella prestazione dei nuovi acquisti, Pazzini e Stankovic vanno in gol, Perrotta e Cambiasso regalano assist. L’unica pecca arriva dall’acquisto più costoso Sculli che viene espulso, e non contento, fa le corna a tutto lo stadio…..TIFOSE ROMANISTE FEDIFRAGHE?
Non bastano al Lele gli assist di Miccoli e Cassano e il gol di ibra per recuperare terreno. Anzi Il Controller della Clariant si sente minacciato dal possibile arrivo del Fede che nel frattempo diventa il nuovo re del mercato. Che sia questo il prologo a un’altra doppietta a fine stagione per la famiglia Urban-Schiraldi?! Il Lele non ci sta ed è pronto a presentare un esposto antitrust against the notorious cartel ciociaro-Po. In its submission to the comparison, the GEA was a charity and a sort of spiritual father Moggi confessed that the arbitrators closing them in the locker room after the game ... HISTORICAL REVIEW!
tragic day in-house Folco Proserpio. The specter of yet another relegation is getting closer. Urgent measures to prevent the flowers go out to eat again with the money of Tatone. Thanks again for lunch on the sea last year. ... A! Excellent performance
Sasa pointing all the time in Milan for Beckham to try to save themselves. It is rumored that the Spice Boy to convince him to remain at Milan, Sasa is ready to sublet for free on the right wing and his English wife, the bedroom of his house ... .. MICA AND FIGS PIZZA!
excellent performance of the team working that finally scored two goals thanks to new purchases Fan and Figo. I wonder if Ross will be able to continue to walk the path of the beautiful game and the results taken from the Faith, or try to escape with mezzucci type incentives for scrapping. The second way seems the most viable, players old and rusty, there are a profusion of pink. Sin is not only arrived in the winter market the best player of all worn out. Mythical Nedved ... CZECH AND PURE FURY WITH STICK!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Nightmare Campus 5 Stream


Amicici continua il dominio incontrastato in classifica della Fede.
La tennista ciociara consolida il primato in campionato, ma il rammarico in quel di Frosinone è alto perché sono ben 5 i gol persi in questa giornata; Ambrosini, Cozza, Bianchi e la doppietta di Pizarro; la tregua firmata col fidanzato è ufficialmente finita. La Fede non è per niente soddisfatta delle scelte di formazione effettuate dal fidanzato. Dopo lo sciopero bianco e il 2009 corto, un’altra clamorosa iniziativa è in cantiere. Con tutta la neve che è caduta in questi giorni, la Fede pensa a una bella settimana bianca. Si, un’altra bella settimana in cui il fidanzato andrà in bianco e dormirà in salotto…IL DIVANO SCOMODO!
Non approfittano della parziale debacle i più immediati inseguitori. Tra questi, il momento peggiore è quello del Lele che si trova in un periodo in cui gli impegni non si contano e il tempo da dedicare al fantacalcio scarseggia. Si vocifera in particolare che il controller della Clariant sia rimasto parecchio sgomento nel vedere la fuga del ministro Tremonti durante l’intervista col giornalista americano. Appena quest’ultimo ha usato la parolina magica “unicredit” il ministro è corso via manco fosse Bolt, e Lele appena ha ascoltato l’intervista ha deciso di cedere l’intera quota azionaria in sua possesso….DEFAULT?
E il sorpasso della Fra against Igi has finally come true. Blondie's Team Lombardia took it pretty well, however it is a very competitive person. Robertino Sunday night when it announced that our table had won the Dr. Why does not he started screaming like Tardelli in the 1982 world ... .... ... Nooo. WORLD CHAMPIONS!
The merit of the victory is most certainly due to Sasa. The Sicilian rasta in two stakes in the game imported from Padania Robilotta even scored two wins. A true phenomenon, as fantasy football. No one has ever doubted the ability of Sasa. In any game has always shown his talent. The question then arises: Why did you do a shit team like this year? You've been drugged before the auction? ... .. DOPING!
widens the gap between Sasa and Rossana. Now the point of posting the lift by the Piedmontese rasta Sicilian are thirty. The hopes of not getting final are now very minimal, because the auction soprattuuto repair has robbed the already battered team working. I'll send you an updated list. I attach also the team that would play me. No, the team is not Galli, Dachshund, Maldini, Rijkaard, Costacurta, Baresi, Donadoni, Ancelotti, Van Basten, Gullit, Evan. ... Accept the advice!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cost Of Bottle Of Bacardi

friends all the time still pink in the middle of our league. For the second consecutive day the three best scores were achieved by teams in a skirt.
In particular, it is increasingly the first test of strength thanks to the nth Faith. Many argue that such a test of strength has been a test of something else. Most malignant insinuate that a fundamental part in its success has had that part of the body there. Angry reaction from the player who had ciociara is said immediately after the auction to have done, word for word, "an auction of shit", but now you take the credit of having discovered the top scorer and top scorer in the vice. Besides, who would not have said it would Milito and Di Vaio scored 30 goals in two league at this point .... BERLUSCONI SMALL GROW!
As the premier Kaka had tried to send the first ship sailing to that of Manchester, only to totally take the credit for non-departure, so faith is now looking to show off for having caught the two jokers from the deck. Instead maintains a very British tone Francesca despite having almost completely filled the gap by Boyfriend. How would Cecinelli blown together to propel the clerk of the FIC coveted overtaking against dell'Igino National .... FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF! Very high performance
also driven by a working team David Beckham always more comfortable in blue overalls. Ross is trying to convince the British to abandon the U.S. dollar blond Major League Soccer and the U.S. continue to play well for the team of the Lingotto. It is rumored that this major operation is moving even honorary president in person. In an informal chat on Gianca confesses to increase its credibility with U.S. intermediaries, will bring with him to Los Angeles, as well as a suitcase full of Monopoly € brand new just bought it, even his picture in front of Wall Street ... . E THE LIRA rears!
As mentioned earlier, another dramatic day for the boys. Sasa stumbles in particular for the umpteenth time in the worst score of the day. The Sicilian rasta believes that to solve the problems of his team is, as we all think, must have a good rod repair, but is instead essential to go to Lourdes. It is not a sudden shock to Sasa to the way of the Lord, but is the result of a process that began a week away, many years ago watching Colpo Grosso. ... I'm praying!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Reception For 12 People

Fw: training Tatoni

di natale

Monday, January 26, 2009

Small Quarter Pipe Plans

COMMENT twentieth day

friends is the 8th of March, but close enough. Women's Day early in our league, only the teams in a skirt, or with long hair (Sasa), exceed the threshold of 70 points, while the other teams that should (I am using the conditional tense advisedly) to keep high the banner of male superiority are watching. He perhaps is why the prime minister to say how many soldiers it would take many beautiful girls? Apart from the Berlusca always right, but never at this time there would be bisogno di cecchini pronti a sparare per evitare la fuga delle donzelle….TOLLERANZA ZERO!
Poiché i cecchini ancora non si vedono, la Fede tenta la fuga. Tentativo perfettamente riuscito e ora il più vicino dei competitor dista più di venti punti. Chi riuscirà a fermare la tennista ciociara? La facile risposta è “nessuno”. I 126 fantamilioni di euro incrementabili con la vendita del bacia-maglie ucraino non lasciano dubbi….FUITINA!
Come anticipato in precedenza, giornata drammatica per Lele che gioca finalmente in 10, per Fede che non mette a segno neppure un gol, e soprattutto per Igi che scende addirittura sotto i 60 punti. Costa cara al biondo del Team Lombardia la rivolta contro il CPT di Lampedusa degli extracomunitari Carrizo e Zarate che collezionano globalmente 2 punti e mezzo. Ma il colpo di grazia arriva da Matteo Ferrari che si fa espellere dopo essere tornato insieme alla Yespica…. GAMBE MOLLI!
E ora la fidanzata incombe sul biondo di Lissone. Settimana scorsa parlavamo della remota possibilità di un sorpasso della Francy. Oggi tale scenario non è più così remoto. Se settimana scorsa i punti di distacco erano poco meno di 40, ora sono poco più di 10. Non vorremmo essere in via de amicis Mercoledì sera al fischio di inizio delle partite. Voci di corridoio (Marino Mariani) ci hanno spifferato che Igino, per monitorare il rendimento di tutti i giocatori del campionato a poche ore dall’asta di riparazione, stia facendo montare 9 other televisions in the room to follow all 10 games at once. Among the dismay by Wednesday that he wanted to see friends. ... CHALLENGE!
Unlined excellent performance even the last two teams in the standings, whose scores are above the psychological threshold of 70 points. The Wall Street Journal yesterday it feared a possible merger between the two companies. The super negative market reaction was not long to wait now, just as it was made to wait another day for the possible merger of another company in Turin (Fiat). Both actions Emmarisa 11 that those working team were suspended for excessive downward. The reasoning of the market is very simple: you can not do the wedding with dried figs. If the melting with the Brescello Pizzighettone could not possibly compete for the title ... creative accounting!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Acrylic Providers Singapore

RE: Fw formations Tatoni







From: franci.fol @
To:;; urbanfede1.fanta-friends @;;; igino.proserpio
@ Subject: Fw: Date formations Tatoni
: Sat, 24 Jan 2009 13:39:22 +0100

----- Original Message ----- From
Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 6:01 PM
Subject: formations Taton

juan samuel

Typectionary Find out with! Are you good with Italian?

Pleurodiaphragmatic Adhesion Mean

: training Tatoni

----- Original Message ----- From: franci
Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 6:01 PM
Subject: formazioni tatoni


Monday, January 19, 2009

What Happen Ifi Donot Treat Herpes

Interview with a clit-therapist (second act)

Ed eccoci di nuovo qui!!! L'intervista è stata accolta, ecco la sua risposta (abbiamo censurato le parole che potrebbero urtare un pubblico non preparato...):

Santo cielo, mi cogli proprio impreparato. Sinceramente mi aspettavo la terza lettera piena d'insulti invece nonostante la giovane età sei riuscita a vedere oltre l'annuncio. Tu non puoi vedere i profili delle tue colleghe su questo sito, se tu li leggessi ti accorgeresti che piu di una cosa non torna,troppo invitanti per essere veri, troppo fasulli per essere taken seriously. So I decided to spread this announcement farce to see what kind of people on this site that there is much promises and little remains. The idea gave me a friend of mine told me that the lick so well with so much passion and love that I could do it by trade.
Moreover, if a woman goes to get a massage shiatsu can also be do that kind of massage. The effects are different, but the relaxation and pleasure are certainly higher. Where do men go to become a pxxxxxo because women can not go get a cxxxxxxxxs do? The problem is that we are in Norway or Finland but we are in Italy a few kilometers from the Vatican.

I do not think I would have the nerve to me pagare. Del resto non l’ho mai fatto e non intendo iniziare adesso.
Clito-terapista? Non so, tu come mi chiameresti? Non riesco a trovare un nome che sintetizzi quest’attività e renda bene l’idea. Leccatore mi pare troppo scontato e volgare, formichiere mi fa ridere….Clito-terapista in fondo rende l’idea. Creando l’atmosfera giusta,con un bel sottofondo musicale adeguato, tipo Einaudi o Allevi oppure Reiki se vuoi, un thè verde prima di cominciare si può fare un qualcosa di diverso, carino e piacevole. Del resto la classica sxxxxxa te la puoi offrire chiunque, ma un uomo che si dedica con dolcezza e delicatezza al tuo piacere, senza essere invasivo non lo trovi ovunque, ti pare?

We found that was not exactly a professional, but we, intrigued by this new figure, we gave our support to try to start up this activity.

Noooo I was starting to really believe that there might be a profession like that ....
do not understand how this could make you understand the true nature of the girls who are on the other side of the chat. It seemed too much annoyed because of the professionalism of the email, could actually be really credible in the world ... strange people!
However, the idea may collect some success, of course, you should first do a market analysis and thus identify the target ottimale.
Se ti serve potremo aiutarti a costruire un questionario per assicurare un futuro redditizio a questa nuova attività.

Cordiali saluti

Commentate numerosi... ;)

Putting Cocaine On Your Gums

Interview with a clit-therapist

Ed ecco le Minchietti's impegnate nuovamente per il sociale...alla scoperta di una nuova professione di cui, fino a qualche momento fa ignoravano l'esistenza!
Crediamo fermamente che anche il resto del mondo non conosca tale titolo, ma sapete com'è, noi siamo sempre un passo avanti! ;)

L'intervista si è aperta! Speriamo davvero di poter condividere le risposte del nostro nuovo amico clito-terapista...

Intanto riportiamo la mail con cui questo individuo has opened the door to an unknown!

Hello, I'm a clit-therapist. If you seek pleasure, but not sexual intercourse, if you like to be kissed there, are right for you. I'm a clit-massager, I love to enjoy women with the language, only with the language. Absolutely exclude sex. If you are from Florence to spend and want a little 'relaxation without camplicazioni, write me, I'll give you my mobile number. My rates are very reasonable and appropriate to a normal manual massage.

Our response was as follows.

You made me do a lot of laughs, but seriously if I were talking a couple of curiosities:
The first sexual intercourse is excluded for fear of possible comparisons, or because your girlfriend would not approve? 2
respect your clit-therapist figure ..... but who gave it to you this way?
3 if it's something you enjoy doing because it may charge a fee?
4 out of curiosity, a therapist-clit as you pay?

I think are legitimate questions, cmq respect you very much!

Pending the response of our favorite character of the month, we invite you to reflect with us on this new professional ... ... people meditate meditate!

Ran Out Of Saline Solution


buddies continues the tough fight in our league. To tell the truth rather than a tight battle seems to be a challenge to "Ciapa not."
Faith keeps the top but loses the opportunity to increase the advantage of playing in 10 men. The tennis is really ciociara imbufalita with her boyfriend that ha suggerito di inserire in formazione il bomber Rolando Bianchi. Il fede dal canto suo risponde che era impossibile prevedere l’esclusione dalla formazione iniziale del più forte attaccante della storia del calcio. Sarà stata forse una ripicca del Fede per lo sciopero bianco?AI POSTERI L’ARDUA SENTENZA!
Non approfittano dell’inciampo della capolista gli inseguitori. Il Lele sbaglia un rigore con mascara (la sconterai fino alla fine quella famosa tripletta); il Fede sorpassa Igi ma deve registrare le pessime prestazioni di Manninger (ma è riuscito a prendere la farfalla sull’uscita?!), Cordoba (e meno male che giocava contro Floccari e non contro Cristiano Ronaldo) e Hamsik (Ma non sa che Farina è leggermente touchy?); Igi has lost a position but now the gap behind leaders is less than 10 points. ALL wide open!
The moral winner of the day is undoubtedly Francesca. The player's most charismatic gifts, perhaps stimulated by the interest of the Faith, gives a one-two hours and the separation from the companion is less than 40 points. All other teams are now rooting for a comeback against Igi. But the important question is another: I'm still at 70% probability of DENIS-exchange gifts or have collapsed miserably because of the outburst of the tank to replace Argentina? ... FUMANTINO!
Crisis Emmarisa very black for 11. The troops led by Sicilian collect rasta yet another worst score of the day. In addition to the precipice in the championship promises to the assignment of player Kaka to sign Manchester City's sheiks. The crisis seems just endless, but Sasa raises and announce a super hit in the repair market: Beckham! The question arises: What credibility can a team that on the page dedicated to the market has the voice of the Official Kaka and supplies under purchases Beckham? ... .. NO COMMENT! The crisis of
Emmarisa 11 restores breathing and oxygen to the hopes of hooking the working team. The hopes may increase further when he went to port a striking change of ownership. The Turin is in fact the only Turin team that could change hands. It is whispered that if the mythological Mister X will buy the Torino, the current president Urbano Cairo grenade could buy the team working. The news was not taken well in that Grugliasco, because we can also agree to have a president grenade, but stay with patched now own ass worse than no ... CAIRO Go!

Good Cruising Spots In Toronto At Night

The Ten Commandments of Love Clelia

as they continue, against all logic, not to 'know', here is a summary schemino. Clelia
does not want più essere IMPORTUNATA da XXXXX:
1)perchè è morboso
2)perchè fa finta di non capire ciò che è stato chiaro sin dall'inizio
3)perchè trova giustificazioni inesistenti - nonchè imbarazzanti per chi le sente - alle sue azioni
4)perchè parla dei rapporti umani utilizzando un linguaggio degno di Quark (con tutto il rispetto per Piero Angela e prole)
5)perchè si fa gli affari degli altri
6)perchè giudica le persone, non soffermandosi sui propri difetti, mostrando un moralismo da libro Cuore
7)perchè si approfitta della buona fede delle persone, che sono pronte ad aiutarlo se lo vedono in difficoltà (e che, come lui ben sa, non hanno altri fini if you do not help)
8) why does the spy as a child of two years, not having then, in front of those concerned, the courage to support their 'theory'
9) because it offends, creeps and demands explanations from people who have not no connection with him
10) Why does not understand and will not understand that neither the past nor HEREIN OR IN THE FUTURE, Clelia has been, is O NE will be attracted.

These words should be understood as a warning to all past, present and future claimants, prospective boyfriends and / or Minchietti's boyfriends of girls!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What To Do If You Swallow Purple Listerine?


friends that league, or if you prefer Campiomatto!
unexpected change at the top, The Lele loses top in favor of the Faith. After months marked by events and initiatives at the limit of legality (Remember about the "white strike" and "2009 short"), the player can win the ciociara record despite the absence of striker Milito. The team now wants to go on the run and is ready for takeoff. Hopefully not face the end of the new Alitalia. First day of operation, the first day of the strike. RECORD!
Never before had seen a triple as the overtaking of the Faith against the Lele, and Igi of Faith. Of course, if the best defender of Lele is Maldini (but as they have done to give him six ????), Igi and if Faith and the strikers do not carry what ever play, the undertaking of tennis ciociara is less epic than it appears. Urgent actions nel mercato di riparazione per ristabilire la supremazia del maschio nel gioco più amato dagli italiani. Peccato che sia la Fede ad avere più soldi a disposizione e a candidarsi al ruolo di Re del mercato….VICOLO CIECO!
Dietro ai fantastici quattro (la donna invisibile ovvero la Fede, Mister Fantastic ovvero il Fede, La torcia umana ovvero Igi e la Cosa ovvero Lele) il vuoto. E’ durissima per Francesca e Sasà risalire la china, ci vorrà molta fantasia nel mercato invernale. E per questo arriva in soccorso il vostro amico Fede che propone lo scambio Denis-Doni (il centrocampista) e soprattutto Gila – Kakà……QUESTA E’ UNA SUPERBOMBA!
Nessuno scambio in vista per la squadra operaia che anzi depradata you will see its best players. Sin at that di Mirafiori not think of this shit, but how to make ends meet, or end of the season if you prefer. ... C'E 'big crisis!