Monday, January 19, 2009

Ran Out Of Saline Solution


buddies continues the tough fight in our league. To tell the truth rather than a tight battle seems to be a challenge to "Ciapa not."
Faith keeps the top but loses the opportunity to increase the advantage of playing in 10 men. The tennis is really ciociara imbufalita with her boyfriend that ha suggerito di inserire in formazione il bomber Rolando Bianchi. Il fede dal canto suo risponde che era impossibile prevedere l’esclusione dalla formazione iniziale del più forte attaccante della storia del calcio. Sarà stata forse una ripicca del Fede per lo sciopero bianco?AI POSTERI L’ARDUA SENTENZA!
Non approfittano dell’inciampo della capolista gli inseguitori. Il Lele sbaglia un rigore con mascara (la sconterai fino alla fine quella famosa tripletta); il Fede sorpassa Igi ma deve registrare le pessime prestazioni di Manninger (ma è riuscito a prendere la farfalla sull’uscita?!), Cordoba (e meno male che giocava contro Floccari e non contro Cristiano Ronaldo) e Hamsik (Ma non sa che Farina è leggermente touchy?); Igi has lost a position but now the gap behind leaders is less than 10 points. ALL wide open!
The moral winner of the day is undoubtedly Francesca. The player's most charismatic gifts, perhaps stimulated by the interest of the Faith, gives a one-two hours and the separation from the companion is less than 40 points. All other teams are now rooting for a comeback against Igi. But the important question is another: I'm still at 70% probability of DENIS-exchange gifts or have collapsed miserably because of the outburst of the tank to replace Argentina? ... FUMANTINO!
Crisis Emmarisa very black for 11. The troops led by Sicilian collect rasta yet another worst score of the day. In addition to the precipice in the championship promises to the assignment of player Kaka to sign Manchester City's sheiks. The crisis seems just endless, but Sasa raises and announce a super hit in the repair market: Beckham! The question arises: What credibility can a team that on the page dedicated to the market has the voice of the Official Kaka and supplies under purchases Beckham? ... .. NO COMMENT! The crisis of
Emmarisa 11 restores breathing and oxygen to the hopes of hooking the working team. The hopes may increase further when he went to port a striking change of ownership. The Turin is in fact the only Turin team that could change hands. It is whispered that if the mythological Mister X will buy the Torino, the current president Urbano Cairo grenade could buy the team working. The news was not taken well in that Grugliasco, because we can also agree to have a president grenade, but stay with patched now own ass worse than no ... CAIRO Go!


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