Ed ecco le Minchietti's impegnate nuovamente per il sociale...alla scoperta di una nuova professione di cui, fino a qualche momento fa ignoravano l'esistenza!
Crediamo fermamente che anche il resto del mondo non conosca tale titolo, ma sapete com'è, noi siamo sempre un passo avanti! ;)
L'intervista si è aperta! Speriamo davvero di poter condividere le risposte del nostro nuovo amico clito-terapista...
Intanto riportiamo la mail con cui questo individuo has opened the door to an unknown!
Hello, I'm a clit-therapist. If you seek pleasure, but not sexual intercourse, if you like to be kissed there, are right for you. I'm a clit-massager, I love to enjoy women with the language, only with the language. Absolutely exclude sex. If you are from Florence to spend and want a little 'relaxation without camplicazioni, write me, I'll give you my mobile number. My rates are very reasonable and appropriate to a normal manual massage.
Our response was as follows.
You made me do a lot of laughs, but seriously if I were talking a couple of curiosities:
The first sexual intercourse is excluded for fear of possible comparisons, or because your girlfriend would not approve? 2
respect your clit-therapist figure ..... but who gave it to you this way?
3 if it's something you enjoy doing because it may charge a fee?
4 out of curiosity, a therapist-clit as you pay?
I think are legitimate questions, cmq respect you very much!
Pending the response of our favorite character of the month, we invite you to reflect with us on this new professional ... ... people meditate meditate!
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