Friday, October 2, 2009

Difference Between Arterial And Venous Leg Ulcers

"I planted dei fiori qui, per te"

there are whole days lying on your eyes. on my hands dirty. our word for tired. the strange season that also take our thirst. later that day in your bare feet in October have shortened the distance of my forgiveness. Your momentum is building you build new houses and new schools colors. inside me. last winter was to be hot. bare hands as that Sunday when the legs gave way. words exceeded low pharmacy. We died a thousand times. as the park then I also yellowed. I was wrapped in your blanket close. I was dead in your haste. seasons rusty always better to talk. always trying to dig into a bright red. the exile of our compassion militants. that expectations are also convinced of shit. Whole chapters have fallen in one day. days saved. other burning whole to consume all the heat. the difference in a dream and your predictions dense. my swarm. my silence over for you. when I lose your love blacks and collected. when you enter a phrase in an obscene and furnishings of the new beliefs. we are dead in the gray sand of the demolitions. when I think of your clothes sorted and colored my voice. an answer when I dream about a long line. the only living person in that room with the sea. days away on your eyes. provinces as inappropriate for your car from the city. away amezzapensione skies. with a finger. and then all the voices that seemed full of lead. off all your cities. the new songs I'm also a bit warm and 'asshole. as you told me. I caress the ice pretending afternoon migraine. I stay at night. but does not change the name. down empty rooms and wet books. salt and snow down to stay in balance. and then rewrite the entire la pubblicità nervosa dei miei sbagli. risparmio spazio alla nostra religione edulcorata ma non mi fa sentire meglio. giorni sommersi senza una destinazione . mi è rimasto solo un pezzo opaco di te che non mi basta più. piccole assunzioni che ti rendono partecipe di un giorno sociale. intanto io parlo di altri suicidi più o meno consapevoli. le mie figure di merda dopo due minuti che parlavamo. e poi mi ubriaco la seconda volta riuscendo solo a non farti parlare troppo. poi rimango muto io quando tu mi guardavi da lontano. malattie assordanti che scendono dai tuoi timidi ritardi. pieno di consapevolezza resisto. c'è un po' di disordine e deserto grigio. c'è un po' di digestione e fughe senza discolpe. altre onde reduci dal mondo. altre passioni equiparate a quelle dei giorni passanti. persone nude e quelle spogliate. il tuo sorriso che sembra un vestito leggero. ma non riesce a rincuorarmi. muri e mari di gomma. baci di stoffa e derisioni. "qui, dove non c'è ombra"


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