Monday, December 15, 2008

Get 300 Club Nintendo Stars For Free

COMMENT sixteenth day

Amici buonasera.
Altra giornata apparentemente interlocutoria in quel della nostra lega. Apparentemente perché, è vero che nessuna posizione muta, ma è anche vero che ora in poco più di 20 punti sono racchiuse 4 squadre.
Il Lele sembra aver perso le certezze delle giornate precedenti ed è costretto a cambiare modulo passando ad un 5-3-2 che non veniva più utilizzato dai Trapattoni times for his country. If the coach of the danger was Cusano Milanino De La Cruz (Chiiiiiiii? ???????), As for the controller of Clariant, the danger is going to spin and lose the top. Lele, with the usual complacency, do not think this doomsday scenario, however, ipse dixit, "in my guide is essential to curb the use of" ... .. Ganassa!
According to IGI, mindful of the negative effects of the invective of last year the team (see the previous post about it titled AMARCORD), continues to keep a low profile. I wonder how much longer be able to squash!? I would bet that if the team does not Platonic win the championship in the winter will blow a few heads, even with a launch of the shoe like the one made by the Iraqi journalist against Bush ... GUILLOTINE!
earn points on all of Sandra and Raymond who seem to have suddenly found the agreement after the grievances of the previous weeks. In detail, the proposed agreement from the player ciociara is very simple: "If I overtake you on the train and packs in three and a half hours (almost 5 we saw that we already are the first delay) you go back to Milan ... HIGH SPEED '!!!!!!!! Always
fifth and increasingly tense Francesca, not because despite scored 4 goals, loses more points from other teams, but because tomorrow is the decisive day. I recommend it to all 19 in front of the TV to watch an unmissable edition of TG4. If the Director is made will be peaceful, otherwise it is better not to think about. ... Barbecue! It also remains on the grill
Sasa. After last week's challenge, which is not well served to make him resign, another super-bad day for Emmarisa 11 and other claims by the ultras. The Rasta Sicilian not intimidated and think of a counter (unknown sources say that you want to shackle all'eleven stadium). Sasa with this extreme action, in particular, wants to focus media sulla questione morale. Il morale della squadra è infatti molto basso da quando il governo sta pensando di reintrodurre la porno-tax…….FATTI, NON PUGNETTE!
Grande giornata per la squadra operaia. D’altronde a causa della crisi economica tutta la rosa è finita in cassa integrazione, e ora c’è molto più tempo per allenarsi… C’E’ GROSSA CRISI!


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