Sunday, August 31, 2008

Reruns Of Desperate Housewives

combined with Pedrito El pueblo!!

Waiting to get back to complete the quartet, the inseparable trio, after only two days of new-found unity, gave birth to a new cultural movement founded sull'idolatria a new icon, which has overwhelmingly taken the place of one that excelled in the kitchen! (The above image has been there, where there was no need ... all alone!)
E 'him, Perestrello Pedro, a man, but I say man, a being, an entity ... our God ! Appeared in an evening sad and senseless, in the magic box placed in the kitchen (which most people, call your TV) and that has occurred in the first instance only to Gaia and Valentina, but since they are always ready to strive for the welfare of the entire fauna of the house, have also given a share Lucia, in the morning, the miracle happened!
Surprises from such great prowess, the Minchietti's have begun to wonder if this could really exist and, if reappear, how they had been able to communicate with him ..
has opted for English, because it seems that He is of Brazilian origin, and we have coined phrases that might be useful in the event that this happens (noting that none of us know English):
- Jo soi Gaia / Valentina / Lucia...accoppiamose!
- Stantuffame toda!
- Quero bailar la bamba with Tigo.
- Mas fuerte! Mas fuerte!
- On sbattiamose, just to conoscerses mas.

Here are the 10 Pedratti at the base of the cult:
1) Pedro has a penis over 23 cm, anyone who claims otherwise incur his wrath.
2) Foreplay is all well and good
3) Do not you get a virgin to 25 years.
4) Remember to copulate at parties (or partying ...).
5) You do not have another poster outside that of Pedro.
6) Elargiscila so from experience that Pedro is waiting to collect it.
7) visited at least once in a lifetime, in Rio de Janeiro (birthplace of the great) on a pilgrimage ... no pants.
8) Honor Verga (not the writer ...)
9) Think of Pedro I toyed with the boy while on duty, awaiting the day when He will manifest, but treason is not a sign of good taste and a strong imaginative talent.
10) tolerates any form of sexuality.

Here also our duties in the worship of Pedrito:
Gaia: priestess of the temple
Vale: keeper of the eternal Faig (keeps on);
Lucia: guardian of the temple.

The festivities are set so far:
30/08 - Annunciation
31/08 - Foundation of the cult
??/?? - Christmas, still under investigation by the RIS of Parma.
The Pantheon is organized as follows: Pedro on all there, seated to his right and his left Rafael Verga Lars Burmeister (first and second apostle of the cult)

The dish to be prepared to honor worship are the pasta amatriciana, a typical Brazilian dish!

organize a pilgrimage to the fashion week in Milan, Paris and London ...

Grandfather Granddaughter Wedding Dance Songs

When the man is too late-summer male

E 'is well known that the awareness of the males of their own is close to that of a nice lamp, and their foolishness is over only when it is to understand the feelings and the feelings of the other half of the sky ... well, long story short, the men understand women as little as nothing ... on the basis of extant data from anxiety, from prestigious statistical agencies, as well as by experience of the writer (authoritative) here are some sentences that demonstrate the inadequacy of man's approach to higher life forms, that women, especially in special experimental conditions, such as the absence of gravity, the acceleration of precess, but especially the post-coital.
Here are the questions (the average male), diplomatic responses prepared not to offend the oversized ego (and the only quality sovradimensionata di cui è provvisto) dell'animale domestico che vi è toccato in sorte (segnalate nel modo che segue " ") e pensieri (riportate così * *) della donna
1) cara/amore/tesoro/spicchiodiluna/bimba (?!) ti è piaciuto?
" mmm" * si, il film e la cena non erano male, anche se il finale un pò prevedibile e la crostata un pò stantia..*
2) maqquantotèpiaciuto?! (sguardo speranzoso)
"non ci sono parole" *cos'avrà voluto dire?!*
3) bimba forse ho fatto troppo forte (sguardo da western di serie C2)
"naaah è stato stupendissimo" * magari* oppure * nono, il piede non me l'hai pestato*
4) da 1 a 10 quanto mi dai?
"tu per me trascendi qualunque classifica" * direi che 2 cinquine ci starebbero* oppure * il numero di XXX -nome di un qualunque ex dalla quinta elementare in poi- dovrei ancora averlo*
5) ma dimmi la verità ( maddai lo sappiamo che è l'ultima cosa che vuoi) i tuoi ex erano meglio?
"ma che c'entra? con loro era diverso, tu mi capisci davvero" *come si può paragonare cacca e cioccolato?!*
6) con quanti uomini sei stata?
"pochi" * dunque 53, 54...facciamo cifra tonda, 60...chissà se la squadra di rugby vale come 1...*
n.b. per lui, qualunque numero > 0 e <4 è accettabile; fino a 5 hai avuto un passato turbolento, sopra 5 sei una dispensa di gonorrea che deambula
7) ma secondo te le dimensioni contano?
"sai com'è, non è importante quant'è grande un martello, ma quanto forte batte, ammore e tu sei imbattibile" *c'è un limite di accettabilità, che per convenzione, al CERN, hanno fissato nella spanna di Gaia...* per ulteriori dettagli si rimanda alla consultazione del manuale "De Esthetica Cazzi" di prossima uscita (già best seller in 15 nazioni, esclusa l'Africa sub-sahariana dove la sanno tutti i sensi)
8) per te è stato bello quanto lo è stato per me?
"certo certosino amore santo" * bhe meglio di una gastroscopia...*
9) domani viene a pranzo mamma, sei contenta?
"che non ti dico! la mia scarsa padronanza della lingua non mi consente di trovare parole adeguate" *ma porc...*
10) between me and brad pitt / pedro Perestrello (devout bow please) / qualunquealtrofigosullaterra who would you choose?
* So when you say that women are from Venus and men ... who knows where the hell they come from?!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008 Strawberry


So beautiful ... September is coming ... and in September even if only for a little while ... you know I have to do 'is broken "forced vacation" ... I come back! He cleans house, you start to eat healthy ..... parties every night, wine, beer, rum ... whole life really! I miss all of you all. Send a kiss to Lucy grossoooooooooooo pooh Vale and Gaia ... and then send it also absolutely Clelia and Olga ... and all other occupants of the house and former roommates Minchietti! People like you are with us, you're not anywhere !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
way ... but the double is still vacant??

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Can You Drink Tea When Fasting


chau puuu and high, since there are more, here is a flower and flourish of casual sex and promiscuous ... this course in our dreams, the ultimate pen-uria above has not scratched. .. the reality is sad and thought-osa (not in the sense that we would like) ... As for the writer, me, me, Valerie, today is a sad anniversary .. it is spent anno dall'ultim incontro intimo con l'altro sesso o il sesso di un altro, e come sex and the city insegna, sono (di nuovo!) illibata come una vergine araba...e mi girano le palle come al fidanzato della vergine di cui qui accanto... per quello che riguarda gaia (o gaio ancora ci sono dubbi sulla sua identità sessuale...è inutile cara coinquilina superstite che insisti a proclamarti una donna rispettabile...già ci sono dubbi sul fatto che sia donna figurarsi sulla tua rispettabilità) è ridotta ad arricciarsi i capelli in solitudine e compulsivamente ;) ma almeno si allinea alla maggior parte dei dipendenti italiani e passa il 90% del tempo in ufficio a cazzeggiare, la qual cosa è apprezzata dalla sottoscritta che passa le sue giornate Work to sleep in a chair (but is quite uncomfortable) fortunately (for me), his frustration has turned into a culinary frenzy, and then takes care to feed it every day and try to keep me away from snack foods, junk food any other business that would otherwise I would lead to the devastation of the stomach. A quick game for a few days of vacation (and puu know what the hope that dwells in my heart about the activities in which to dedicate once at home) and then our beloved gay (or ugo if you prefer) will only the third and perhaps more sociable flatmate ... drum roll and balalaika: katerina (or Katarina, whatever you want in those days ).... frivolity reigns supreme like never before in this house ... and not fear gay, I'll break your balls regularly at home (I aggratis phone calls;)) (this explains the constancy with which the nanadeiloakersenzacappello calls home in the evening) and I ... gaia we enjoy the last hours of each other's company (and I mean to each other and with our mosquito) between ice, heat and infamous singing of various chibensai for tonight ... we think we've written enough crap, and then close all the goodbye minchiettucce (and which is exactly the fucking lot of pen-uria;))
kisses kisses kisses worth
handshakes handshakes handshakes by ugo / gaialadonnarispettabile

Black Dresses Below Knee

At small survivors ...

Hello Women who still held power in the house!
How are you there?
I know you've already booked my room a few Nigerian handsome, but I remember that there exists a right of first refusal and, being the oldest at home, it's me who has this privilege!
I'd like to know what are you doing these days, I tried twice to call home but I had no answer! So what?!?! Truffaldelle ?!?!?
not you, if I call you to answer!
And if you were with the Nigerian .... oh well, you could not even answer ... : P
Here is so hot, I went to sea and are also able to burn to only 2 hours with sunscreen protection 6! Coming out from this ugly adventure il giorno dopo mi sono munita di protezione 40! (..e scusate se è poco!) Ovviamente non mi sono abbronzata almeno sono viva!
Della serie altre piccole strane avventure: la freccia destra della mia fantastica 600 è impazzita, lampeggia con fare solo a volte (misteri dell'elettronica!), la mia cuginetta di 6 mesi mi ha mostrato il suo affetto vomitandomi addosso (però poi rideva :D), e stanotte ho sognato di essere uno zombie e ho passato tutta la notte a scappare da un vecchiaccio...sarà quello del piano di sopra?!?! Eccovi il mio resoconto della settimana senza di Voi!
Giuro che riprovo a chiamarvi nei prossimi giorni, se non rispondete vi mando " Bellicapelli "!