Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Why Does My Body Hurt When I Drink Alcohol


Friends, interlocutory in that day of our league.
increases slightly but steadily the advantage in the standings of the Faith. The Two Women tennis player now feels to have success in your pocket and powerful by his 38-point lead is already organizing festeggiameni for the win. Ready for a commemorative T-shirt very brtish with the inscription: "I broke my ass." Ready to also un'ospitata Chiambretti night as number one, and about number one, is also in preparation the new video of the famous song dedicated to Luca Toni ..... mozzarella, mortadella, MIT Nutella, FAITH YOU FOR ME: NUMBER ONE!
Behind the smiles at the Lele that day thanks to a goal from Seedorf stretches in the standings on the most immediate pursuers. And like Seedorf, Lele also turns polemically against his supporters who had objected to the exclusion of Cassano last week .... rationem REDD! In The Faith
safety zone maintains the points lead on the most immediate pursuer. Oh yes, you got it, if only by half a point, the stretch in the standings on Francy un'Igino sadly returning to fifth place. Damage to some persistent rumors of his resignation as coach Hyginus. The rumors indicate that, as with the Democratic Party, also by de Amicis is biased for a solution to bridge between now and prossimo campionato. Il nome individuato dall'establishment della "Io speriamo che me la cavo" farà molto discutere: Marino Mariani. Chi tra il nuovo allenatore e Dario Franceschini riuscirà a fare peggio?....PRECIPIZIO!
Altra giornata drammatica per Sasà che ora rischia di subire un inatteso sorpasso da parte della squadra operaia. Il team più sbeffeggiato della storia del fantacalcio, che nelle ultime 3 giornate è stato addirittura senza guida tecnica, ha ora soli 14 punti da recuperare. Che il problema fosse proprio l'allenatore?.... TELEVOTATE!

P.S.: aggiunto il sondaggio sull'allenatore della squadra operaia.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Malm Full Bed Hardware

MINCHIETTI Welcome Home!

the series House Minchietti waiting for you ......

It continues with impunity to do damage throughout the house, but this time not all silver lining! After breaking the porthole here comes the latest addition to the House Minchietti: Lidy....
Ogni riferimento a fatti o persone realmente esistenti è puramente "causale".... ;-)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Font Wedding Order Of Service

Friends Good day ... If Inter closed the league title by winning the derby practice Sunday night, Faith Mortgage lengthening the championship still in the charts. The advantage now verges on the second 40 points. The tennis ciociara brakes but the easy enthusiasm and, imitating his model of coach Mourinho says he is very good at mathematics and that there are still 71, 428 points per game for the championship ... HANDS-ON! Behind the
Lele limps. Reached the age of maturity (more cards), it was hoped it was over the time that he was wrong training. Yet another Cassana instead: Cassano, precisely, left the bench to make room for the new Recoba, Edison Lampadina Cavani. Per Lele era impossibile che il fenomeno di Bari Vecchia potesse fornire una grande prestazione contro la granitica difesa della Juve….PETER PAN!
Non è solo Lele ad arrancare, anche il Fede incappa nell’ennesima giornata no. Ora la zona salvezza è a serio rischio, anche in virtù delle straordinarie prestazioni della Francy, ma soprattutto di Igino. Il Biondo del Team Lombardia agguanta la compagna in quarta posizione e la zona salvezza dista poco più di 10 punti. Parte del merito spetta comunque all’amico Fede che con un sussulto di onesta (o di coglionaggine, decidete voi), suggerisce a Igi al momento della dettatura della formazione di inserire Amauri vista la non convocazione di Trezeguet…TAFAZZI!
dramatic day for Sasa. The Sicilian rasta does not send the training and play 8 men in setting a new negative record of points in a single day, 43.5. Voices of political fiction told us an elusive agreement between Berlusca and Sasa. It seems that the premier has strongly suggested to Sasa to "skip a turn" in a league like this has been affected and where its image is clearly the lowest levels of popularity, only to reappear stronger than ever at the start of next season in which receive a substantial aid for the recruitment drive. Do not you remember the story of Mastella?. ... Democrat!
not take advantage of the misstep of Sasa, that Ross involved in the event FIOM CGIL and the Piazza San Giovanni in Rome on Friday, we forget also to present the training: not so much an oversight. you think more than anything that the team mates have physically prevented from working on the elevation Piedmont to send an act to prevent the formation of scab. ... FIGHT HARD! Oh

Saturday's first game is played to 16!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Brazilian Female Soccer Team


friends, another day of smiles at the fantasy that Faith. E 'is true that the FC GossipFro does not execute an amazing score, but it is equally true that the detachment of squadre rivali rimane sostanzialmente invariato e il tutto con un giornata in meno da disputare. Bella prestazione dei nuovi acquisti, Pazzini e Stankovic vanno in gol, Perrotta e Cambiasso regalano assist. L’unica pecca arriva dall’acquisto più costoso Sculli che viene espulso, e non contento, fa le corna a tutto lo stadio…..TIFOSE ROMANISTE FEDIFRAGHE?
Non bastano al Lele gli assist di Miccoli e Cassano e il gol di ibra per recuperare terreno. Anzi Il Controller della Clariant si sente minacciato dal possibile arrivo del Fede che nel frattempo diventa il nuovo re del mercato. Che sia questo il prologo a un’altra doppietta a fine stagione per la famiglia Urban-Schiraldi?! Il Lele non ci sta ed è pronto a presentare un esposto antitrust against the notorious cartel ciociaro-Po. In its submission to the comparison, the GEA was a charity and a sort of spiritual father Moggi confessed that the arbitrators closing them in the locker room after the game ... HISTORICAL REVIEW!
tragic day in-house Folco Proserpio. The specter of yet another relegation is getting closer. Urgent measures to prevent the flowers go out to eat again with the money of Tatone. Thanks again for lunch on the sea last year. ... A! Excellent performance
Sasa pointing all the time in Milan for Beckham to try to save themselves. It is rumored that the Spice Boy to convince him to remain at Milan, Sasa is ready to sublet for free on the right wing and his English wife, the bedroom of his house ... .. MICA AND FIGS PIZZA!
excellent performance of the team working that finally scored two goals thanks to new purchases Fan and Figo. I wonder if Ross will be able to continue to walk the path of the beautiful game and the results taken from the Faith, or try to escape with mezzucci type incentives for scrapping. The second way seems the most viable, players old and rusty, there are a profusion of pink. Sin is not only arrived in the winter market the best player of all worn out. Mythical Nedved ... CZECH AND PURE FURY WITH STICK!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Nightmare Campus 5 Stream


Amicici continua il dominio incontrastato in classifica della Fede.
La tennista ciociara consolida il primato in campionato, ma il rammarico in quel di Frosinone è alto perché sono ben 5 i gol persi in questa giornata; Ambrosini, Cozza, Bianchi e la doppietta di Pizarro; la tregua firmata col fidanzato è ufficialmente finita. La Fede non è per niente soddisfatta delle scelte di formazione effettuate dal fidanzato. Dopo lo sciopero bianco e il 2009 corto, un’altra clamorosa iniziativa è in cantiere. Con tutta la neve che è caduta in questi giorni, la Fede pensa a una bella settimana bianca. Si, un’altra bella settimana in cui il fidanzato andrà in bianco e dormirà in salotto…IL DIVANO SCOMODO!
Non approfittano della parziale debacle i più immediati inseguitori. Tra questi, il momento peggiore è quello del Lele che si trova in un periodo in cui gli impegni non si contano e il tempo da dedicare al fantacalcio scarseggia. Si vocifera in particolare che il controller della Clariant sia rimasto parecchio sgomento nel vedere la fuga del ministro Tremonti durante l’intervista col giornalista americano. Appena quest’ultimo ha usato la parolina magica “unicredit” il ministro è corso via manco fosse Bolt, e Lele appena ha ascoltato l’intervista ha deciso di cedere l’intera quota azionaria in sua possesso….DEFAULT?
E il sorpasso della Fra against Igi has finally come true. Blondie's Team Lombardia took it pretty well, however it is a very competitive person. Robertino Sunday night when it announced that our table had won the Dr. Why does not he started screaming like Tardelli in the 1982 world ... .... ... Nooo. WORLD CHAMPIONS!
The merit of the victory is most certainly due to Sasa. The Sicilian rasta in two stakes in the game imported from Padania Robilotta even scored two wins. A true phenomenon, as fantasy football. No one has ever doubted the ability of Sasa. In any game has always shown his talent. The question then arises: Why did you do a shit team like this year? You've been drugged before the auction? ... .. DOPING!
widens the gap between Sasa and Rossana. Now the point of posting the lift by the Piedmontese rasta Sicilian are thirty. The hopes of not getting final are now very minimal, because the auction soprattuuto repair has robbed the already battered team working. I'll send you an updated list. I attach also the team that would play me. No, the team is not Galli, Dachshund, Maldini, Rijkaard, Costacurta, Baresi, Donadoni, Ancelotti, Van Basten, Gullit, Evan. ... Accept the advice!