Tristi eliminazioni in casa Minchietti
Alas ... April is coming to an end, and the consolidated group of Minchietti's girl is about to undergo an abrupt termination! Clelia
Cristina and decided to leave the house, new girls aspire scope title, for now only one is certain: Valentina!
We tried to make them understand the irrationality of this insane gesture, but unfortunately the decision was made! Cristina
we replaced it with a man ... Now, I ask myself, choose to live with a boy rather than stay with three fantastic and nice girls is a rational choice? : P
joke of course ... Greetings to Gabriel! Then, dear Christ, do not believe in passing, we know where you live! Your home sarà preda di raid serali alla ricerca di un posto tranquillo - e con salotto - dove poter chiacchierare fino a tarda notte, in compagnia di un tè e di una camomilla, come ormai siamo abituate a fare!
Alla cara Clelia, che invece ha preferito sostituirci con uno (o due?!?!) gatti, le confermo che i raid avverranno anche in casa sua, seppur limitati ai weekend visto che Grosseto è un pò fuorimano. In tali raid esigeremo la presenza di una torta, possibilmente quella di mele, visto che quella pere e cioccolato non è stata apprezzata da tutte - Cri è un pò esigente - se poi ce ne vorrai preparare due...sarai liberissima di farlo! Come ben sai, le Minchietti's girl sono votate al sacrificio!
For them is reserved the role of special guest for this blog, because: A
our girls, you are special!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Why Does Drag Slow You Down
Penelope era una povera scema!
God .. I can not believe I can finally write a new post !!!!!!!!!
I know you have those two nasty attempted to block my access to the blog so that I wrote that their ranking is absurd ... Alberto and Angela is the symbol of man's dreams ... the smart one, but then to bed ... MA MEGLIOOOOOO!
were saying about men and reconnect to the title of this post, that Penelope was a real asshole ... She was standing at home doing the sock (e, per di più, la faceva e la disfaceva ogni notte... ancora peggio), mentre Ulisse si faceva altamente i ca..i suoi...
Per completezza riportiamo una sintesi della storia (fonte Wikipedia)
Penelope è una figura della mitologia greca , figlia di Icario e di Policaste (o di Peribea ), moglie di Ulisse , madre di Telemaco e cugina di Elena .
Attese per vent' anni il ritorno del marito, partito per la guerra Troia , evitando di scegliere uno tra i proci , nobili pretendenti alla sua mano, anche grazie al famoso stratagemma della tela: di giorno tesseva il sudario per Laerte , padre di Ulisse, mentre di notte lo disfaceva. Avendo promesso ai proci che avrebbe scelto il futuro marito al termine del lavoro, rimandava all'infinito il momento della scelta. L'astuzia di Penelope, tuttavia, durò "solo" per poco meno di quattro anni a causa di un'ancella traditrice che riferì ai proci l'inganno della regina. Alla fine, Ulisse tornò, uccise i proci e si ricongiunse con la moglie. Penelope è il simbolo per antonomasia della fedeltà coniugale femminile.
Il problema è questo... a casa Minchietti sulla storia di Penelope c'abbiamo anche ragionato tra una tazza di tisana e una di camomilla... and we pulled out two possible options:-O
Penelope said to do the stockings and to discard the night and actually did something else (and, in this case, has our admiration, if only because nobody has never noticed and doing things is always difficult to clean)-O
Penelope, Ulysses drenched in love, has really been waiting all this time ... The Sleeping Beauty as her true love ...
We feel, after:
-detailed field studies, field trials
-advice we have received from: Robert Jacob (Voyager)
Piero Angela (Superquark)
-home cooking in several briefings with the participation minchietti exceptional del solo, unico,
inimitabile Alberto Angela (Passaggio a Nord Ovest)
di poter affermare, senza ombra di dubbio alcuno, che:
-Penelope faceva davvero la calzetta...
(dimostrato da studi effettuati sulla calzetta medesima da parte del R.I.S. di Parma)
-Penelope era innamorata fradicia di Ulisse
(dimostrato dal ritrovamento, durante una spedizione a Itaca di Alberto Angela, del diario di
Penelope medisima, il quale, sottoposto a prove scientifiche attestanti la sua originalità
(sempre da parte del R.I.S. di Parma), riporta passi di paranoie infinite che la poverina si
faceva sul perchè il suo innamorato tardasse tanto il rientro e sulla veridicità o meno del
his feelings for her)
-Penelope was a jerk!
(demonstrated by complete lack of real evidence to support the fact that Ulysses is truly
where he was said to be, except the Odyssey ... which frankly is the work of Homer
(found a friend of Ulysses, as shown by investigations in parallel
Giacobbo Roberto and Piero Angela) and you know ... friends tend to cover each other
telling lies also quite often inflated to make, after all, part of the figs
situation ... and the shocking reality that the RIS did not find even a fragment
microscopic DNA does not say Odysseus, but at least his tunic around the
casino that has happened!?! Albert also was adamant on this point ...) Now you know you
is defined as what he did Penelope? (Always a source Wikipedia)
The Penelope's was a popular ploy, recounted in ' Odyssey, created by Penelope, which do not reach for a new marriage, given the long absence from Ithaca of her husband Ulysses , had made the choice of the pretender to the last of what was supposed to be the shroud of Laertes , father of Ulysses. To prevent this from happening the night undid what wove during the day. Today is cited the canvas Penelope to refer to a good job in its intentions but "impossible" that will never end because every time you start again.
UNDERSTAND Penelope care around the world?
Starvene home to weave cloth will also work in good intentions but it is impossible
can never be terminated
each time starts all over again ...
A little 'as with Ulysses around the world ... are faithful, you give blind trust, but after a while, 'you must realize that you face yet another piece of MER .., that the story is impossible and you have to start all over again.
The fact is that both my dear Penelope, in the end, Odysseus, it will be done about her .., but Penelope is back ... all right if there is back ... and then said to have lived happily ever after (shown by research by Jacob, Angela, Angela, RIS of Parma) ...
So the moral of today is that your Ulysses, if you really, sooner or later it comes back ... and not because you're there remained as the ass to do the sock. In fact, Ulysses did not know the history of the sock before returning (as reported in the chronicles of the time of Ithaca discovered by Alberto Angela, in that shipment, which headlines: Ulysses disbelief on his return: "I can not believe that I have really been waiting Penelope").
Pay attention, expect that in the meantime, the ca .. yours, fateveli you too!
Have fun!
not spend the time packing and unpacking a sock!
not fill pages of diaries and blogs of unnecessary paranoia!
Do not like us at home Minchietti ... that we had to pass before a caffettino a hot tea, a tea and then finally to a chamomile ... that consoles us obsessively watching the ten series of Friends ... and we spend our evenings quibble Penelope!
But, in reality, there slam highly of everything wrong in our lives, because, in fondo, siamo felici e riusciamo sempre a ridere tanto e tra perline, friends, mac, stetoscopi, poesie di catullo, zuppe di pooh, uomini non ufficialmente autorizzati, blog, chat, tazze delle principesse, il gioco del milionario sul telefonino, chiacchiere, libri, progetti, università, lavoro, Simpa-Tia, alimenti scaduti, cose cucinate senza cipolla, Dottor House, l'oroscopo di Fox... possiamo passare le nostre serate in compagnia di Alberto Angela...
Belle le Minchietti girls... se non ci fossimo dovrebbero inventarci!!!
God .. I can not believe I can finally write a new post !!!!!!!!!
I know you have those two nasty attempted to block my access to the blog so that I wrote that their ranking is absurd ... Alberto and Angela is the symbol of man's dreams ... the smart one, but then to bed ... MA MEGLIOOOOOO!
were saying about men and reconnect to the title of this post, that Penelope was a real asshole ... She was standing at home doing the sock (e, per di più, la faceva e la disfaceva ogni notte... ancora peggio), mentre Ulisse si faceva altamente i ca..i suoi...
Per completezza riportiamo una sintesi della storia (fonte Wikipedia)
Penelope è una figura della mitologia greca , figlia di Icario e di Policaste (o di Peribea ), moglie di Ulisse , madre di Telemaco e cugina di Elena .
Attese per vent' anni il ritorno del marito, partito per la guerra Troia , evitando di scegliere uno tra i proci , nobili pretendenti alla sua mano, anche grazie al famoso stratagemma della tela: di giorno tesseva il sudario per Laerte , padre di Ulisse, mentre di notte lo disfaceva. Avendo promesso ai proci che avrebbe scelto il futuro marito al termine del lavoro, rimandava all'infinito il momento della scelta. L'astuzia di Penelope, tuttavia, durò "solo" per poco meno di quattro anni a causa di un'ancella traditrice che riferì ai proci l'inganno della regina. Alla fine, Ulisse tornò, uccise i proci e si ricongiunse con la moglie. Penelope è il simbolo per antonomasia della fedeltà coniugale femminile.
Il problema è questo... a casa Minchietti sulla storia di Penelope c'abbiamo anche ragionato tra una tazza di tisana e una di camomilla... and we pulled out two possible options:-O
Penelope said to do the stockings and to discard the night and actually did something else (and, in this case, has our admiration, if only because nobody has never noticed and doing things is always difficult to clean)-O
Penelope, Ulysses drenched in love, has really been waiting all this time ... The Sleeping Beauty as her true love ...
We feel, after:
-detailed field studies, field trials
-advice we have received from: Robert Jacob (Voyager)
Piero Angela (Superquark)
-home cooking in several briefings with the participation minchietti exceptional del solo, unico,
inimitabile Alberto Angela (Passaggio a Nord Ovest)
di poter affermare, senza ombra di dubbio alcuno, che:
-Penelope faceva davvero la calzetta...
(dimostrato da studi effettuati sulla calzetta medesima da parte del R.I.S. di Parma)
-Penelope era innamorata fradicia di Ulisse
(dimostrato dal ritrovamento, durante una spedizione a Itaca di Alberto Angela, del diario di
Penelope medisima, il quale, sottoposto a prove scientifiche attestanti la sua originalità
(sempre da parte del R.I.S. di Parma), riporta passi di paranoie infinite che la poverina si
faceva sul perchè il suo innamorato tardasse tanto il rientro e sulla veridicità o meno del
his feelings for her)
-Penelope was a jerk!
(demonstrated by complete lack of real evidence to support the fact that Ulysses is truly
where he was said to be, except the Odyssey ... which frankly is the work of Homer
(found a friend of Ulysses, as shown by investigations in parallel
Giacobbo Roberto and Piero Angela) and you know ... friends tend to cover each other
telling lies also quite often inflated to make, after all, part of the figs
situation ... and the shocking reality that the RIS did not find even a fragment
microscopic DNA does not say Odysseus, but at least his tunic around the
casino that has happened!?! Albert also was adamant on this point ...) Now you know you
is defined as what he did Penelope? (Always a source Wikipedia)
The Penelope's was a popular ploy, recounted in ' Odyssey, created by Penelope, which do not reach for a new marriage, given the long absence from Ithaca of her husband Ulysses , had made the choice of the pretender to the last of what was supposed to be the shroud of Laertes , father of Ulysses. To prevent this from happening the night undid what wove during the day. Today is cited the canvas Penelope to refer to a good job in its intentions but "impossible" that will never end because every time you start again.
UNDERSTAND Penelope care around the world?
Starvene home to weave cloth will also work in good intentions but it is impossible
can never be terminated
each time starts all over again ...
A little 'as with Ulysses around the world ... are faithful, you give blind trust, but after a while, 'you must realize that you face yet another piece of MER .., that the story is impossible and you have to start all over again.
The fact is that both my dear Penelope, in the end, Odysseus, it will be done about her .., but Penelope is back ... all right if there is back ... and then said to have lived happily ever after (shown by research by Jacob, Angela, Angela, RIS of Parma) ...
So the moral of today is that your Ulysses, if you really, sooner or later it comes back ... and not because you're there remained as the ass to do the sock. In fact, Ulysses did not know the history of the sock before returning (as reported in the chronicles of the time of Ithaca discovered by Alberto Angela, in that shipment, which headlines: Ulysses disbelief on his return: "I can not believe that I have really been waiting Penelope").
Pay attention, expect that in the meantime, the ca .. yours, fateveli you too!
Have fun!
not spend the time packing and unpacking a sock!
not fill pages of diaries and blogs of unnecessary paranoia!
Do not like us at home Minchietti ... that we had to pass before a caffettino a hot tea, a tea and then finally to a chamomile ... that consoles us obsessively watching the ten series of Friends ... and we spend our evenings quibble Penelope!
But, in reality, there slam highly of everything wrong in our lives, because, in fondo, siamo felici e riusciamo sempre a ridere tanto e tra perline, friends, mac, stetoscopi, poesie di catullo, zuppe di pooh, uomini non ufficialmente autorizzati, blog, chat, tazze delle principesse, il gioco del milionario sul telefonino, chiacchiere, libri, progetti, università, lavoro, Simpa-Tia, alimenti scaduti, cose cucinate senza cipolla, Dottor House, l'oroscopo di Fox... possiamo passare le nostre serate in compagnia di Alberto Angela...
Belle le Minchietti girls... se non ci fossimo dovrebbero inventarci!!!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Work Sheet On Hazards
Giuro che chiamo il WWF!
Non si fa così... Abbandonare me, tenero essere piccolo ed indifeso, in questa casa grande grande grande per un'intera giornata!!!
Per fortuna that little Mary Faggiolino to guide me to the dance of molecules , otherwise I would try an extreme action today ... like sleeping all day or open, finally, the door to let us know the Bergamasco brothers, all all alone! Mando
absent an appeal to tenants of the house Minchietti:
please come back, I swear that I will be good ...
Non si fa così... Abbandonare me, tenero essere piccolo ed indifeso, in questa casa grande grande grande per un'intera giornata!!!
Per fortuna that little Mary Faggiolino to guide me to the dance of molecules , otherwise I would try an extreme action today ... like sleeping all day or open, finally, the door to let us know the Bergamasco brothers, all all alone! Mando
absent an appeal to tenants of the house Minchietti:
please come back, I swear that I will be good ...
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